Tag: 格鬥演唱會

2014.08.17 Tower of Saviors Concert Night 2 (SHE)

The second night of the Tower of Saviors concert night had S.H.E as the final performing artist. Selina held dual identities as both the host with Nadou and as the night’s performer. The song list was: Shero, Superstar, 熱帶雨林 (Tropical Rainforest), 花又開好了 (And The Flower Blooms Again), 美麗新世界 (Beautiful...

2014.08.16 Tower of Saviors Concert Night 1 (Hebe)

Hebe performed on the first night of the Tower of Saviors Concert, in which Selina and Na Dou hosted. She performed My Love, 寂寞寂寞就好 (I’m Fine Alone), 你就不要想起我 (You Better Not Think About Me), Love and 不醉不會 (Not Drunk). *S.H.E’s performance on the second night will be on a...