Tag: superstar

2015.12.31 S.H.E Reunites for the last of 2015

Performing at a countdown concert party in Jiangsu, China, S.H.E reunites for the final time in 2015. This is also the first in recent years for the trio to perform at a countdown event outside of Taiwan. Last year, the girls were separated at 2 different locations in Taiwan,...

2014.08.17 Tower of Saviors Concert Night 2 (SHE)

The second night of the Tower of Saviors concert night had S.H.E as the final performing artist. Selina held dual identities as both the host with Nadou and as the night’s performer. The song list was: Shero, Superstar, 熱帶雨林 (Tropical Rainforest), 花又開好了 (And The Flower Blooms Again), 美麗新世界 (Beautiful...