Tag: macau

2015.11.28 Hebe Performs at Macau Studio City

Hebe took the stage at Macau’s latest resort offering, Studio City, as the finale singer for the last show of the ‘Taiwan Music’ concert series produced by renowned music producer Chen Cheng Chuang. Also sharing the stage for the night were fellow company artistes Yoga Lin and Janice Yan. Prior...

2015.06.03 Hebe in Macau

Hebe was in Macau earlier this June, for a private commercial performance in a company’s gala night. The performance included 不醉不會 (Not drunk), 還是要幸福 (Be in bliss),Love,你就不要想起我 (Don’t you think of me) and 寂寞寂寞就好 (I’m fine alone). Catch her performance in the video below.   Hebe performs in Medtronic...

2015.03.28 Hebe in Macau IF Concert

Hebe held her first 2015 IF concert stop in Macau earlier this March, on the 28th at The Venetian Macao. As the concert was close to her birthday, fans wished her a happy birthday during the concert. She was in great mood and during the encore segment, she asked...