Tag: interview

Translation Request: Funny Hebe in day by day Press Con

As per request, an English subbed video for a short media interview held during Hebe’s day by day album press conference in Taipei.   *Apologies on the delays in updates! PC was done and it is now finally back up!...

2016.04.22 Hebe: Girls All Need Love!

The cover took on the theme of old school days and so our talented photographer Ah Jiang specially decked out a classroom set in the studios. And Hebe spoke much about her school days, all things fun and wonderful, so now let us uncover more titbits about the young...

2016.04.16 Hebe Marie Claire Interview – Back To Basics

Hebe Tien   Back To Basics (Translated by the-tiens.com – Please credit back to this site if you will like to re-post, in part or in full.) Hebe entered the studios in a loose woven jacket and a pair of jeans, casually dressed and relaxed, just like a sweet...

2015.05.22 The Ark Of Mr.Chow – S.H.E Special

In lieu of the upcoming theatrical release of 少年班 The Ark Of Mr.Chow, a S.H.E special has been released, as the girls share their thoughts on the film. The song playing in the background is 你曾是少年, S.H.E’s latest single.  I have translated their talking below. If you will like...

2015.04.02 Hebe in adigirls Training Club

Hebe led a 120-strong ladies-only crowd in an adigirls training club this evening, along with 2 other coaches. They did boxing, training, yoga and dancing. Due to the high-intensity exercise, Hebe quipped, “don’t you feel like you can have lots of supper tonight?!”. Before commencement of the session, the...

2014.08.16 Citizen Ad Behind-The-Scenes

Citizen has released two clips which were shot during the commercial filming. The first are snippets captured during the commercial shoot while the second is more of an interview and introduction of the different watches   Citizen CF Behind-The-Scenes 1 *Credits to CITIZEN886   Citizen CF Behind-The-Scenes 2: Q&A *Credits...

2014.08.14 S.H.E Taipei 2gether 4ever Encore Concert Video

SET’s Showbiz  entertainment news program and Wow!News has released 20+minutes videos on the Taipei concerts, featuring highlights from both night’s performance and from the post-concert celebrations interview as well. You can view the video highlights below   SET Showbiz *Credits to SET TV for video, Kyle Yim  for upload  ...

2014.07.27 S.H.E “Doesn’t Want To Grow Up”

This is a backstage interview post Shanghai’s 2gether 4ever concert by BTV2. Although mainly comprising of host links and past video footages, it does include some pretty nice lines from the three girls. Apart from Hebe mentioning how they now can resonate more with the lyrics of the song...

2014.07.25 Business Weekly: The 1st Crossroad at 18 – Hebe Tien

The 1st crossroad at 18 years old “Forsaking university to sing, I have never regretted it” *Please credit back to this site if you will like to re-post, in part or in full.   From the popular girl group S.H.E to the solo artist Tien Fu-Chien who debuted four years...

2014.06.30 Selina Hebe & Power Station Post GMA Ceremony (Update)

Despite not being able to snug any awards this year, several media still showed up at HIM’s post GMA ceremony celebrations to interview Selina, Hebe and Power Station. To which the artistes were all very grateful for them being willing to come by. The videos will be updated and...

2014.03.27 Music On The Road – Hebe Tien (ENG SUB)

kkbox has featured Hebe as the first of a new video interview series ‘Music On The Road’. In it, Hebe shares about her music and thoughts/views of this world in reference to her music, from the album <Insignificance>. I will hit the translations and provide the sub video this...

2014.01.25 Hebe’s Interview @ Yin Yue Tai (Translated)

Hebe recently accepted an interview at Yin Yue Tai whilst in Shanghai. She shared quite a bit of herself in the interview and opened up relatively to the host’s questions. It’s really obvious she was tired from her expression and from her stuttering over her own words when she...