Tag: hsinzhu

2015.02.23 Hebe’s FB Post

Wanting to have a view of the beautiful seas whilst comfortably enjoying a cup of coffee, is that easy for me? Thanks to the crazy ladies who brought me to their alma mater in the windy city to have a picnic while hiding from the winds. — feeling being...

2015.02.21 Hebe’s FB Post

Continue enjoying the Spring of the third day of New Year! The mountains are full of blooming cherry blossoms, the bees collect nectar, a friend’s treat to wild vegetables, picking greens by myself, happy and carefree. — feeling writing foolishly again! It’s New Year and still not learning how to hide...

2015.02.19 Hebe’s FB Post

Happy New Year! Entire family’s out in the Spring enjoying the gifts of nature, insects humming, birds chirping and sounds of flowing water. — feeling festive.   Original Post: 新年好! 全家走春享受上蒼的禮物,蟲鳴鳥叫流水聲。 — feeling festive....