Tag: flowery world

2014.09.06 Hebe at 新竹之光 The Light of Hsinchu Concert

Hebe headed back to Hsinchu county for her performance in 新竹之光中秋動漫嘉年華演唱會 The Light of Hsinchu – Mid-Autumn Comics Festival Concert. This concert is part of the Taiwan Comics Dream Park Festival held in Hsinchu, which Hebe is the spokesperson for. She was in a very relaxed and happy mood, though...

2014.05.02 Hebe Melbourne Concert (Update 1)

A quick update of the Melbourne joint concert in which Hebe and Yoga performed at The Plenary on 2nd May 2014. She donned a really nice outfit imo, though simple and no costume change was made. Singing for about an hour and a half, she performed titles from her...