2015.05.07 Hebe’s FB Post
Smile, aren’t we both very much in love? — feeling Zhen Zhen auntie loves you. Smile and I have one each so our feelings will not fade~ Original Post: Smile石麥爾 我們有沒有很相愛? — feeling 甄甄阿姨愛你. 跟麥兒一人一隻感情不會散~...
2015.04.03 Hebe’s FB Post
For a beautiful physique, mood and skin, you must put in effort to work out! #beautifulnewlife Work out hard, eat hard! Sis have just finished eating yansu ji (seasoned fried chicken bites), spicy fermented beancurd, milkfish soup = great mood. Original Post: 體態、心情、皮膚要美就要出力動起來!#美力新生活 用力動,用力吃! 姐剛剛吃完鹽酥雞+麻辣臭豆腐+虱目魚湯=心情美麗。 ...
2015.03.24 Hebe’s FB Post
How playful can I get? The body’s at work, yet the soul’s constantly thinking of play The picnic mat bought while online shopping at work has been delivered, only to be used in the living room first… feeling does your heart fall asleep too the moment you work? Original Post:...
2015.03.22 Hebe’s FB Post
War Sum Up, the after-effects of it is so strong…Went home and watched and listened again for 8 times. Bumped into Director Kirsten Dehlholm at Yongkang St at night by chance, my heart raced, afraid to impose but my eyes could hardly leave her, like a little fan. Ah...
2015.03.15 Hebe’s FB Post
The weather for these two days is literally summer! Places where cycling can bring me, I must ride on the wind Band practice confirmed that I have not forgotten about IF Feeling fortunate Went home and quickly washed the rice and vegetables, heated up my bro’s stewed meat and...
2015.03.10 Hebe’s FB Post
Thankful for practising yoga, so I’m able to take a selfie with the shoes! Original Post: 還好有練瑜珈,才能跟鞋子一起自拍!...
2015.02.23 Hebe’s FB Post
Wanting to have a view of the beautiful seas whilst comfortably enjoying a cup of coffee, is that easy for me? Thanks to the crazy ladies who brought me to their alma mater in the windy city to have a picnic while hiding from the winds. — feeling being...
2015.02.21 Hebe’s FB Post
Continue enjoying the Spring of the third day of New Year! The mountains are full of blooming cherry blossoms, the bees collect nectar, a friend’s treat to wild vegetables, picking greens by myself, happy and carefree. — feeling writing foolishly again! It’s New Year and still not learning how to hide...
2015.02.20 Hebe’s FB Post
Woke up and saw yesterday night’s post, and realised the routine when I return home for new year really have me drinking high so early. The higher the alcohol content, the lower the IQ goes down. Please bear with the foolish posts. feeling secretly worried over what little IQ left...
2015.02.19 Hebe’s FB Post 2 & 3
There’s a secret I’ve hidden for very long. Does anyone want to know? feeling important Original Post: 有一個秘密我藏了很久。 有人想知道嗎? feeling important It’s the secret to growing taller than 160! Kekeke! Every time I see a slope while hiking, I will definitely have my family squat low to help...
2015.02.19 Hebe’s FB Post
Happy New Year! Entire family’s out in the Spring enjoying the gifts of nature, insects humming, birds chirping and sounds of flowing water. — feeling festive. Original Post: 新年好! 全家走春享受上蒼的禮物,蟲鳴鳥叫流水聲。 — feeling festive....
2015.02.18 Hebe’s FB Post
! The most correct decision made before Lunar New Year! Yesterday Dad and Mom specially came to Taipei to drive me back home, today the unfilial child specially headed back to Taipei to catch St. Vincent. I can only say being the unfilial child this time is totally unwasted....
2015.02.01 Hebe’s FB Post
There are so many shades of pink, coming across a pink which is just the right shade, I will feel extremely comfortable. From the ancient times till date, there were so many poems, coming across those that resonates with the soul, there will thoughts of properly keeping it at heart....
2015.01.28 Hebe’s FB Post
Alright! Alright! The entire HIM has Second, Byebyechuchu, I am Lost, Cherng’s original drawings, and crazily spamming facebook to show off about it, I have none! Not! Even! One! Never mind! Sis shall draw my own! And, four! at! one! go! Have always admired people who can draw since...
2015.01.25 Hebe’s FB Post
Strawberry season’s here again! Let Sis teach you how to enjoy strawberries! Wash them clean then eat it purely or cut into pieces and mix it with sugar-free yoghurt are all great ways to eat it! Strawberries brought with love are the sweetest! Original Post: 草莓季又到了! 姐來教你怎麼吃草莓! 洗乾淨吃它的純粹或切成塊拌著無糖優格吃都好棒! 帶著愛送來的草莓最甜!...