2014.10.19 Hebe’s FB Post
Heading home. Feeling great in the midst of Autumn! Delish crabs in the Autumn season, rich and fat. Original Post: 回家。秋高氣爽! 秋天癡蟹,人肥美。...
2014.08.30 Hebe Adidas 2014 Autumn Ad BTS
Adidas has released a new behind the scenes for the Autumn advertisement. The theme seems to be dancing for this series, Hebe appears in several cuts in between. *Credits to 愛而為一 for upload...
2014.05.07 Hebe’s FB Post
Took a plane and it became autumn, the maple leaves are so beautiful in their reds. Melbourne is so comfortable, the air is superb. Never getting bored loitering about Yarra river everyday. Original Post: 坐個飛機就變秋天了,楓葉紅紅的好美麗。Melbourne好舒服,空氣超級好。每天在Yarra river旁晃來晃去都晃不膩耶。 ...