Lyrics – 這個人已經與我無關 Zhe Ge Ren Yi Jing Yu Wo Wu Guan
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Album:Miao Xiao / Insignificance
6. 這個人已經與我無關 Zhe Ge Ren Yi Jing Yu Wo Wu Guan (This Person Is No Concern Of Mine)
雜誌說 獅子座 本星期 艷遇很多
The column says, Leo will have many romantic encounters this week
為什麼 我還是會 眉頭一鎖
Why do I still frown?
有幾個 朋友說 他最近 老了很多
A few friends said he’s aged recently
我苦笑 我為什麼 還在乎這個
I smile wryly, why am I still bothered?
其實這個人 已與我無關
Truth is, this person is no concern of mine
翻他的臉書 翻得這麼晚
Scouring his Facebook till late
不過是我手指頭 自作主張的壞習慣
It’s just my fingers, taking things unto its own again
其實這個人 已與我無關
This person is no concern of mine
當他看到我 婚禮邀請函
When he sees my wedding invitation
他一定也這樣說 心中不起一絲波瀾
He must have said the same, unaffected with nonchalance
一二三 一二三 健身房 燈還沒關
One, two, three, one, two three, the gym’s lights stay on
突然間 才想起來 是為誰流汗
Suddenly I realise, who I’ve been sweating for
其實這個人 已與我無關
Truth is, this person is no concern of mine
翻他的臉書 翻得這麼晚
Scouring his Facebook till late
不過是我手指頭 自作主張的壞習慣
It’s just my fingers, taking things unto its own again
其實這個人 已與我無關
Truth is, this person is no concern of mine
有天我照片 出現訃聞版
Someday when my photo appears on obituary
他一定也這樣說 心中不起一絲波瀾
He must have said the same, unaffected with nonchalance
其實這個人 已與我無關
Truth is, this person is no concern of mine
手機裡的他 笑得多燦爛
In my phone, his smile shines so brightly
不過是一直很忙 無用的資料忘了刪
I have been too busy, to have missed deleting these useless data
其實這個人 已與我無關
Truth is, this person is no concern of mine
他前面的路 是光明暗淡
His road ahead, is it bright or dim?
我決定袖手旁觀 至少不能比他更慢
I choose to look on; for I cannot be slower than him