Lyrics – 日常 Ri Chang
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Album:Ri Chang / Day by Day
1. 日常 Ri Chang (Day to Day)
Composer:黄韵仁 Eric Ng
Arrangement:黄韵仁 Eric Ng
Producer:黄韵仁 Eric Ng
拥有的 失去了
What you owned is lost
期待的 全都落空了
What you hoped for has all crashed
喜欢的 不再爱了
What you liked you have forgone
遗忘的 想起了
What you forgot, you now recall
不再见的 也重逢了
Those you don’t wish to see, you meet again
某些眼泪 又笑了
Some of the tears have turned to smiles
这是人生的无常 还是人类的日常
Is this the uncertainty of life or the day to day of our life?
生命有多么无常 生活还不是如常
Life may throw us curveballs and yet life still goes on
管明天天气 会是怎么样
Who cares how tomorrow’s weather may be?
今天的雨 还是要懂欣赏
The rain today is still worthy of us admiring it
管明天的花 会不会盛放
Who cares if the flowers will bloom tomorrow?
眼前的蝶 还是迷恋花香
The butterfly right before us will still love the flowers
It’s so normal
失去的 不要了
What you’ve lost just forget it
落空的 不再惦记了
The disappointments you have just leave it behind
不爱了 就爱别的
Those you no longer love, it’s time to love others
遗忘的 不想了
Those you forgot, don’t think about it
不再见的 再不见了
Those you don’t wish to see, don’t meet again
眼泪掉了 就掉了
Those tears that fell just let it fall
生活就算再正常 生命还不是无常
Life may be normal, but life is still full of uncertainties
就用人类的日常 放过人生的无常
Just use the normality of life, to let go of the unexpected in life
管明天天气 会是怎么样
Who cares how tomorrow’s weather may be?
今天的雨 还是要懂欣赏
The rain today is still worthy of us admiring it
管明天的花 会不会盛放
Who cares if the flowers will bloom tomorrow?
眼前的蝶 还是迷恋花香
The butterfly right before us will still love the flowers
管明天天空 会是怎么样
Who cares how tomorrow’s weather may be?
今天的蓝 也要好好赞赏
The blue skies today is worthy of us appreciating
管明天的蝶 会不会飞翔
Who cares if the butterfly will still be around tomorrow?
此刻的谁 也为它鼓过掌
At this moment someone has praised its presence
管人生还会 有多少无常
Who cares how much more curveballs life may throw at us?
迫在眉睫 是眼前的日常
What is important is the day by day that sits right before us
当每天好像 没明天一样
When every day is lived like there is no tomorrow
才懂平常 有多么不平常
Will you appreciate how precious the normality is
It’s so simple.