Lyrics – 渺小 Miao Xiao (Official)

*This is the official English lyrics translation, provided by the original Lyricist, Chow Yiu Fai.

(As I find certain parts of the translations slightly weird, I have retained my draft translations here.)


Album:Miao Xiao


1. 渺小 Miao Xiao (Insignificance)

Composer:楊子樸 Venk Yang

Lyrics:周耀輝 / Chow Yiu Fai

Music Arrangement:JerryC


最繁華的城市  為何帶來最寂寞的北極熊

A bustling city breeds a lonely polar bear

An innocent child runs across a filthy dump

Confusing memories always remind me of those dedicated moments

While the hideous world sometimes reads me a beautiful poem



Now I know, the darkest sky shows the brightest stars
為喚不回的 為做不到的 為還在活的我和你

For all the things done, for all the things yet to be done, for you and me, for all of us who are still alive



Now I know, a magnificent doubt, an insignificant me
向蝴蝶知更 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生

To all the butterflies and robins, to all the bodies and souls, to all of us
我該說感謝 還是對不起
Should I say thanks, or sorry?



Is the harshest separation destined for the gentlest reunion?


Our simple hope is never meant for our complicated time



Now I know, the darkest sky shows the brightest stars

為受過傷的 為犯過錯的 為還在活的我和你

For those who have pained, for those who have wronged, for you and me, for all of us who are still alive



Now I know, a magnificent doubt, an insignificant me
向黄土灰塵 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生

To all the soil and dust, to all the bodies and souls, to all of us,
我該說感謝 還是對不起
Should I say thanks, or sorry?



In a universe, speechless, there are always the brightest stars

某一天消失 某一天誕生 有一天寬恕我和你

They disappear, they appear, and some day they will forgive you and me



Now I know, a magnificent doubt, an insignificant me
向恩怨愛恨 向肉體靈魂 向芸芸眾生

To all the love and hate, to all the bodies and souls, to all of us,

我該說感謝 再說對不起

I should say thanks, and sorry
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