Lyrics – 不醉不會 Bu Zui Bu Hui
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Album:Miao Xiao / Insignificance
4. 不醉不會 Bu Zui Bu Hui (Not Drunk)
誰無聊拿放大鏡 看風景累不累
Who’s so bored to use a magnifier for scenery, isn’t it tiring?
卻忘記了 看清楚自己是誰
Yet they forgot to take a good look of themselves
我的宇宙輕飄飄 美得搖搖欲墜
My world is treading on air, so beautiful it’s swaying apart
旁人來來去去 像行雲流水
People come and go, like passing clouds and flowing water
模糊糊的視線 不管天色黑不黑
A blurry vision, who cares if it’s nightfall or not
心中沒鬼 就不用處處防備
With a clear conscience, there’s no need to guard against everything
雨濛濛 情深不深 只要醉醺醺的
Romance in the rain, or not, just be tipsy
美不美 只看能否愛得曖昧
Beautiful, or not, depends if you can love ambiguously
Oh 不醉 就學不會
Oh not drunk and you’ll never learn
只要我以為 就不是誤會
As long as I assume, it’s not a misunderstanding
誰都是寶貝 有什麼真偽
Everyone’s dear, what’s true and false
什麼是是非 都似是而非
What’s right and wrong, it’s all specious
醉眼看世界 世界隨我陶醉
View the world drunken, and the world will charm along me
迷茫茫的天地 沒那麼多對不對
In the vast and hazy universe, there isn’t so many right and wrong
錯不錯 只看心境怎麼描繪
Wrong, or not, depends on how you put things into perspective
我流我的汗水 華麗如天花亂墜
I sweat, so glistening as if it were raining flowers
甜不甜美 誰能代我去品味
Sweet, or not, who can savour in my place?
oh 不醉 就學不會
Oh not drunk and you’ll never learn
看的很瑣碎 都沒有所謂
I view everything as trivial; I’m not bothered
看不到命運 只看到紫薇
I don’t see destiny, only crape myrtles
只看到絕色 看不到絕對
I only see the most beautiful colors and not the absolute
最好的滋味 就是耐人尋味
The best taste is a lingering taste
亂紛紛 像一首朦朧詩
Disorderly and chaotic, like an abstruse poem
懵懂懂 才懂得朦朧美
Be muddleheaded, then you’ll appreciate the beauty of obscurity