2016.11.05 Sound of My Dream finally airs (Former ‘Battle For Voice’)
The ‘Sound of My Dream’ (formerly known as ‘Battle For Voice’) has finally aired on last Friday, 4th November on Zhejiang TV. On the debut episode, audiences are introduced to all 5 singers on the program and get to catch their interaction prior to the start of the actual sing-off. Do note that Hebe does not sing in the first episode, as no participant challenged her. On the next episode on 11th November, be prepared to watch Hebe perform ‘Black Tangerine’ as she faces off her challenger.
The program previously went through multiple broadcast delays due to struggles with the broadcast regulatory and station. These includes, change in program name, multiple post-recording edits and even re-recording portions of the show on a following week’s recording to change the format of the show.
You can now watch the full program below: