2015.05.01 & 03 S.H.E Forever Star Melbourne & Sydney Concert Tour

After 5 years, S.H.E has finally landed back in Australia for not one but two concert performances, in Melbourne and Sydney on the 1st and 3rd May respectively. Though a combined concert with fellow company artiste Aaron Yan, it is still of much significance as it marks the gals’ first ever Melbourne show. Lasting a total of 3 hours, Aaron started the show for an hour and is quickly followed by S.H.E’s two hour performance. As it is not a full conceptual concert, there were no costume changes or fancy effects nor were there dancers to beef up the performance. Still, the concerts were a great hit with fans as it returned back to the basics of pure music and the trio’s playful bantering.

Whilst Aaron had several English songs (and even changed one of the songs for the Sydney concert) in his rundown, S.H.E opted for a full S.H.E-only song list. There is however, one less song performed at the Sydney session (心還是熱的 The Heart’s Still Warm), possibly due to a longer segment by Aaron. Despite the obvious absence of English songs by S.H.E, there was no lack of English ‘surprise’ as Ella spoke the language at times during talking segments for both concerts, more so for the Sydney session as she referenced her previous visits to Sydney for work (the 2010 concert) and personal (Australia open) purpose.

Despite a considerable hiatus from S.H.E performing as a group, the gals performed really well at both concerts. Their harmony and vocals were in a great condition, though Ella seemed slightly fatigue (drained from her non-stop album promotions). Personally, the Melbourne show was slightly better, as Hebe’s vocals sounded slightly nasal on the Sydney show.

Interestingly, during the Melbourne concert, Ella spontaneously decided to call upon audiences who were born on 1st May to get onstage for a rare photo opportunity. Boy, were these fans lucky to have a birthday surprise thrown their way at the encore segment of the concert. Add that to the hilarious album presentation to her seniors by the latest newcomer Ella Chen at HIM, who has recently released her first full-fledge solo album, the Melbourne show was surely both fun and exciting.

Sydney definitely had their share of fun as the trio decided to pose for fans to take photos. The gals made a heart shape and posed thrice for audiences seated at different angles to capture. Being their second time at Sydney, S.H.E brought up the topic of old fans and asked if there were any fans who had attended their show 5 years back and to no surprise, many did.

Given the great choice of songs and the girls’ tip-top vocal conditions, the two hour show by S.H.E was full of sincerity and laughter. They definitely delivered a  quiality performance where the absence of flashy costumes and eye-catching dance choreos or effects seemed less of a bother.




2015.05.01 Melbourne Concert

1. Talking: Ella presents album to Selina and Hebe
*Credits to Starchase Hebe


*Credits to 大馬後援會田馥甄 for upload


2. 熱帶雨林 (Tropical Rainforest)
*Credits to Qi CHEN


3. 他還是不懂 (He Still Does Not Know)
*Credits to Tung Seng


4. 別説對不起 (Don’t Say Sorry)
*Credits to Tung Seng

I personally preferred the Melbourne performance, their vocals were really good.


5. 愛我的資格 & 戀人未滿 (The Right to Love Me & Not Yet Lovers)
*Credits to 大馬後援會田馥甄 for upload





6. Encore: 心還是熱的 (The Heart’s Still Warm)
*Credits to Starchase Hebe


7. Encore: 美麗新世界 (Beautiful New World)
*Credits to Tung Seng




2015.05.03 Sydney Concert

1. 痛快 (Alacrity)
*Credits to Yunshu Li


2. Talking (English) + 他還是不懂 + 別説對不起 + 一眼萬年 + 愛呢 (He Still Doesn’t Know + Don’t Say Sorry + Eternal Love + Where’s Love)
*Credits to Starchase Hebe


3. SHERO + 愛就對了 (Just Love)
*Credits to po852


4. Talking: S.H.E poses for fans to take photos
*Credits to scene116

Selina is hilarious in this talking segment, where she first questioned why there were sounds of applause when they have specifically asked everyone to take photos of them. She said, “please respect us” and requested for everyone to take photos. She also posed with funny faces whilst doing the heart shape.


5. 愛我的資格 (The Right to Love Me)
*Credits to scene116

S.H.E mentioned this was a very old song (from their second album) and were so surprised that many fans were able to sing it. They even commented about the large number of old fans present and requested for everyone to sing along.


6. 老婆 (Wife)
*Credits to Qi CHEN



7. 魔力 (Magic)
*Credits to Qi CHEN


8. Encore: 花又開好了
*Credits to po852



9. Encore: 美麗新世界 (Beautiful New World)
*Credits to Dong Shangwen



*Credits to the AU Review , Popboxasia and 卡桑德拉大乔 from weibo


2015.05.01 Melbourne

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2015.05.03 Sydney

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Other reviews

The AU Review: Melbourne Concert

The AU Review: Sydney Concert

Popboxasia: Sydney Concert


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