2014.04.01 Hebe gets tricked by Ella

As part of Ella’s debut (full-fledged) solo album, WHY NOT, promos, she went on a Taipei radio station HITFM’s special programme to fool 4 of her closest friends/kins. It goes in line with the April’s Fool joke idea and she goes on to set up different scenarios to her mother, her friend Qing Feng (from Sodagreen) and of course, Selina and Hebe. Of the four, Hebe gets the biggest reaction as she ‘breaks down’ on-air, although being pre-recorded there have been segments which were cut off. Still, the parts remaining have been funny enough and not only shows a more bubbly side of Hebe, it also tells of the duo’s good relations off-stage. Listen to the hilarious ‘conversation’ below.

Media caught Hebe on a separate event after the radio release. You can watch Hebe’s thoughts on the prank here.


HITFM April Fool Prank – Ella fools Hebe

*Credits to 38 AhHua

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