2014.12.28 Hebe supports Wubai’s Book Launch

Hebe went to support Wu Bai’s third photography book 《伍佰。台北》(Wu Bai. Taipei) autograph session today at the Taipei’s Eslite bookstore. Wu Bai handed a black and white photo momento to Hebe, a shot of Hebe which he captured that is also featured in the book, along with many other celebrities and everyday scenes which meant something to him. Hebe shared she was shocked when she first saw her own photo in the book, she then began to lament on how young she looked back then along with all the abundant collagen on her face, before she bagn to recall about the day the photo was taken and started to find the process of looking back very interesting. In regards to the photography book, she applauded Wu Bai for being able to put forth to everyone a focus on things which we all tend to miss or ignore in our everyday lives.

Hebe has all along been a fan of Wu Bai and has openly expressed her admiration for his music and personality several times. She shared, “being a celebrity has been a sort of a magical journey, I  never thought there would be a day I would be shot by a rock singer whom I’ve listened to since my schooling days.”

Wu Bai also thanked Hebe on his Facebook, for specially coming down to support his book promos.


News source: ETToday – http://www.ettoday.net/news/20141228/444551.htm



*Credits to  伍佰 Wu Bai‘s facebook,  ETtoday.netPagan Tsai from facebook, 女神在笑我吃土就會飽 from weibo

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