2014.12.06-07 Hebe IF Taipei Concert (Vid+Pics)

Hebe held her first ever IF concert world tour, starting with her hometown Taipei on the 6th and 7th December 2014. She performed a total of  29 songs on the 2-night sell-out concert, where tickets snapped up within minutes of release.

(Warning: This post is image and video heavy!)


Opening with ‘Insignificance 渺小’,  Hebe appears atop the iceberg, seemingly lying in a comfortable position and then later emerges as the volcano beneath the icy surface erupts with ‘Love!’. She performs several quick numbers, including her previous self-penned lyrics piece, ‘Too Late 來不及’. With just under four songs, one will soon realise how important to which Hebe and the company views this concert, as three of the four numbers have undergone changes in musical arrangements. This welcoming change is present throughout the concert and gives a very fresh listening experience to the audience, regardless of how much they have heard the songs previously. It does however, play a part on how attentive and familiar the audience is with her songs as some changes were relatively minor (it still adds points to the concert nonetheless).  Of course, what is a Hebe concert/performance without her forgetting any lyrics? She even laughed about it during the post-concert media interview, saying she definitely did not disappoint fans who looked forward to that. (Yes, she forget on both 6th and 7th, at different songs though.)


The concert deploys several new technologies and was great in its methods of linking up the different segments of the entire show. We all know Hebe struggles with talking components and is rather resistant about it (although I truly feel she is quite ok at it, albeit sometimes experiencing dead air, I always found those moments to be funny – oops), so the show director cleverly opted for short video segments (graphics) that linked or introduced her next segment/songs. So cleverly done and nicely executed the audience probably had no issues with it at all. In fact, the first half of the concert had very minimal talking sections, the second half though, relied more on Hebe’s own humor/thoughts to interact with audiences.  Also obvious at the concert was the willingness to try out new technology in the concert industry, including a brand new LED curtain invention that was designed and introduced solely for her concert. Yes, the patent is newly created and the company built the curtain for this concert (despite the rush, they made it in time), which was really cool IMO. Instead of usual LED screens, the LED curtains are strips of LED, held on tracks and secured with a top-bottom frame which allowed it to not only display graphics while moving, it is also capable of ‘slanting’ up to 30 degrees by moving the top and bottom frame in opposite directions. The effect you get is a ‘diagonal’ or ‘slanted’ LED curtain displaying graphics. So yes, it is pretty cool and innovative, but most audiences found it a horror when it constantly went in front of Hebe during the specific segment it was used for. Another innovation used was 3D printing, where three dancers wore Hebe’s 3d face masks and danced around her (lots of people shouted female ghost! when it first happened on the 6th). The masks were pretty good, but not executed well enough to convince most, the facial tone was too white (guess that contributed to the ‘ghost’ effect) and some of the features were slightly off. But the idea and intention was good, they appeared when she sang Contradiction and that entire segment was about how different sides of a person (even within the same mind) can have so many voices/faces struggling within.


Selina attended both nights of concert whilst Ella only appeared on the 6th, dressed in Ella claimed to be ‘Hebe’s style’, because, “Tien Fu-Chen can never watch a Tien Fu-Chen concert, so I am doing this for her”. On the second night, the crew arranged for Selina to head downstage, right before the main concert stage. Hebe sang a short verse of  給小孩 For the child, as per Selina’s request and also sang 老婆 Wife, where the entire audience sang along as well.


News reports and reviews from both fans and casual audience has been positive thus far, despite the lack of a very dazzling visual display of sorts and no dances from the artiste herself, there have even been remarks of Hebe being quite humourous. The concert has already landed in Malaysia and will continue its rounds to Macau, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore and hopefully even more locations to come.


*For her full repertoire listing, please head here.



*Credits to Blacky from facebook & -ching-清- from weibo

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Please note the videos are loosely used from both 6th and 7th December. HIM are actively scouring the internet and youtube to remove these videos as this concert tour is brand new and has only performed in 2 locations. I have done my best to provide what I can find and decent enough for viewing, so they are definitely incomplete. If videos have been removed, I will try to look for alternatives at best I can.


1. 渺小 Insignificance & Love! (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube

Alternative source: http://youtu.be/zFT8Rs7mQ54  | http://youtu.be/YZVD1RVI9Nc (snippets by media, eTV行動傳媒)


2. 來不及Too Late (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube

Alternative source: http://youtu.be/72fjFm6p-FA (snippets by media, eTV行動傳媒)


3.  Talking 1 (6th Dec)

*Credits to eTV行動傳媒 from youtube


4. 口袋的溫度 The Pocket’s Warmth – Incomplete (6th Dec)

*Credits to eTV行動傳媒 from youtube


5. 還是要幸福 Be in Bliss (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


(7th Dec)

*Credits to amy from youtube



6. 魔鬼中的天使 The Angel in The Devil (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


7. 你就不要想起我 Don’t You Think Of Me (7th Dec)

*Credits to AngelMandy from youtube


(6th Dec)

*Credits to CHIH HSIN from youtube


8. Interlude (7th Dec) – Audio Only (I really love this interlude!)

*Credits to icewowotou from youtube


9. Super Mary (7th Dec) – Audio Only

*Credits to icewowotou from youtube


10. 我想我不會愛你 Don’t Think I’ll Love You (6th Dec)

*Credits to CHIH HSIN from youtube


11. 請你給我好一點的情敵 Please Give Me A Better Love Rival (7th Dec)

*Credits to 蘇小黑 from youtube


12. Dog Days Are Over (7th Dec) – Audio Only (Original by Florence and The Machine)

*Credits to icewowotou from youtube


13. 不醉不會 Not Drunk / Learning From Drunk (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


14. Talking 2 (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


(7th Dec)

*Credits to chui yi lau from youtube



15. 你快樂未必我快樂 Your Happiness Doesn’t Equate to Mine (6th Dec) – Guitar

*Credits to who knows from youtube


19. 你太猖狂 You’re Too Brazen (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


20. 離島 Isolated Island & Talking 3 (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube

Hebe plays on the recent political polls in Taiwan, where the candidate numbers were 6 and 7. She used the same joke on both dates, but playing it slightly differently as 7 was the eventual winner for the Taipei City elections. She mentioned about bridging the gap between the poor and the rich as she wanted to get closer with those who sat further (think cheaper tickets). Many fans were worried she may get into some trouble as politics is a very sensitive issue in Taiwan, especially at that time where the polls had just ended. Fortunately, the media did not opt for a negative take, instead praising her for being witty and humorous.


Talking 3 (7th Dec)

*Credits to chui yi lau from youtube

Hebe asked which countries were the fans present from, having come to her island to listen to her sing and be hung up high. She mentioned hearing voices from Singapore the day before and today (7th), then started searching for other areas, including Macua, Shandong, Guangzhou, Vancouver, Hong Kong and of course Taipei.


21. 要說什麽 What Should I Say & 烏托邦 Utopia (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube

Hebe asked what should she say, because she was dressed like a fairy, so it seems she should say something fun and interact with the audiences as the outfit made her more ‘idol’. She added on, that she is not as talented as Sandee who can keep singing without saying anything. She led into her song smoothly, while audiences laughed on.


22. 花花世界 Flowery World (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


23. Talking 4 (7th Dec)

*Credits to chui yi lau from youtube


(6th Dec)

*Credits to CHIH HSIN from youtube


24. Baby Song (7th Dec) – (Original by Eason Chan)

*Credits to Kumo Liao from youtube

Hebe wanted to share this song with everyone to comfort the little child and innocence deep-rooted in our hearts, even though we have all grown up, been socialized to conform with the societal norms. Personally, this is my favourite out of her 3 covers in this concert tour.


25. Talking 5 (6th Dec)

*Credits to CHIH HSIN from youtube


26. My Love (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


27. 愛著愛這就永遠 Love On and It’s Forever (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


28. Talking 6 (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


(7th Dec)

*Credits to chui yi lau from youtube



29. 十萬喜皮 Ten Thousand Hippies  –  (Original By 萬能青年旅店 Omnipotent Youth Society)

*Credits to who knows from youtube

Hebe chose this song because she loved the lyrics very much and felt close to her, where a person can also be more pessimisstic, dark or even feel useless at times. She constantly mentions about nothing should define how a person should be, even in their role, “who said a father must always be strong and cannot be weak”, “who said a celebrity must always be bright and cheery”. She explained that everyone has their weak and dark side, it is only human and natural for this to happen, so she has now taught herself to be more acceptable of this ‘darker’, less optimistic / self-lamenting side of her  which she used to feel very upset about (because she felt that she was already very fortunate as compared to so many others in the world, so how could she still be angry or upset over minor things). It is great to know she has matured and allowed for this side of herself to co-exist, accepting her feelings as it is without having to be guilty about it.


30. Talking 7 (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube


(7th Dec)

*Credits to chui yi lau from youtube


*Credits to Kumo Liao from youtube


31. To Hebe (6th Dec)

*Credits to who knows from youtube




Media News Clips

1. CTV – Snippets of Hebe on the moving ‘Island’


2. WOW!News – 17 minutes snippets of concert & post-concert interview


3. SET – Compilation of concert and post-concert interview

*Credits to SET for video, SHE Love from youtube for upload



*The Malaysia post will come next and will not feature as much videos/photos. I will consider a personal review of the concert if time allows.



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