2014.10.04 Hebe at Shanghai Simple Life

October’s been a festival month for Hebe till date, starting off with Chengdu’s AMC Live festival on 2nd October, following up closely with Shanghai’s first ever Simple Life Festival on October 4th.  In Shanghai’s Simple Life music festival, Hebe was the final artiste for the night at the main stage and performed a total of 13 songs in her rundown to one of the largest crowds gathered. Her performance was relatively great for most songs and she was in a great mood for both festivals (although she really needs work on the lyrics of 不醉不會).

On both occasions, Hebe specially selected a song which she has only sang once at Taipei’s mini concert before this – 如果還有時間 (If There Was Time) and this was also performed again on Taipei’s Spring Wave that just passed this weekend. Hebe explained briefly below in her talking for her reasons of singing this. It was due to a dream she had recently, of herself dying and desperately running home and all her familiar places barefooted , trying to tell her closest kins and friends that she was around them, but being a dead soul, no one was able to hear her. In the end she woke up amongst her emotions of helplessness and desperation of trying to speak to her family and friends. And that was what hit her, when the dream felt so surreal, when she could not identify between reality and her dreams, that she realised how important and precious it was to have a little bit more time, even if it was only one more breath. Hebe shared about the strong sense of uncertainty she felt this year, like the Malaysia airlines flight that went missing and so many other disasters be it natural or man-made, which can change any plans someone had for the future.


*Credits to Peg330

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The audio quality in these videos really do not do her vocals and performance justice. If you have patience, try listening to the audio only file at the end of this post, professionally recorded by a fan. Also, do note, there are currently no videos for 無事生非, you can only listen to the audio version.


1. 渺小 Insignificance  /  不醉不會 Not Drunk / 終身大事 Most Important Thing in Life
*Credits to Tilda甄贪玩 from tudou & SHE Love for upload



2. Love! / To Hebe /  魔鬼中的天使 (The Devil’s Angel)
*Credits to Tilda甄贪玩 from tudou & SHE Love for upload

Hebe greeted the crowd in Shanghainese and asked how to say “I” because she only knows how to say “We”. She shared about the first 3 songs she had just performed and that those were from her latest album Insignificance. Being her 3rd time performing on Simple Life platform and the first for the festival to reach Shanghai’s shores, Hebe liked the performance area very much as there was a great view. She also hoped everyone can enjoy her music as she was the last line-up for the night. Introducing her next few songs, she hoped everyone can love, love themselves and love the world.



3. Talking / 烏托邦 (Utopia) / Talking /  如果還有時間
*Credits to Tilda甄贪玩 from tudou & SHE Love for upload
(Note: Not the best audio)

Hebe asked about the October 1st holidays in China, hoping the audience can enjoy their break before going back to the routine of work and classes. She then lamented on her lack of a proper long break since  her debut 13 years ago and how it might be the case too for many others present and led on to introduce about her next song 烏托邦 Utopia. She loved the lyrics and how time is seemingly extended endlessly and romanticized under the lyrical hands of Lee (李格弟).



4. 如果還有時間 (If There Was Time) / 愛著愛這就永遠 (Love On and It’s Forever)
*Credits to @阿童木不会飞耶 from weibo, HebeBar for upload

If you prefer video quality, you can view the following:
如果還有時間 If There Was Time (Peiggy Peg): http://youtu.be/85aaRCmUo9E



5.  寂寞寂寞就好 (I’m Fine Alone) / 你就不要想起我 (Don’t You Think Of Me)
*Credits to  簡單生活節 from tudou,  HebeBar for upload


6. My Love
*Credits to  簡單生活節 from tudou,  HebeBar for upload



*Credits to 秦小宇之翼

Download here : http://t.cn/RhgmvCI

A very, very clean version of Hebe’s live performance at the Shanghai Simple Life Festival. Lacking a bit of punch and reverb in the low’s, but otherwise, a much better option than the videos above.

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