2014.08.10 S.H.E 2gether 4ever Encore Concert in Taipei 2
The Taipei stop for S.H.E 2gether 4ever encore concert tours has successfully ended yesterday night, with much tears and laughter. The special guest for the second concert night was their company’s senior, Power Station, along with a special surprise by their own company’s crew, who made an appearance in their concert outfits at the final session. Apparently the three girls had no idea about the crew’s appearance and were shocked that they appeared. As S.H.E’s assistants wore their performance outfits, Hebe made a plea, “I still need to wear that during the Guangzhou stop!”
The ‘random’ song for the night was 冰箱 (Fridge), with an additional 月亮代表我的心 (The moon represents my heart) song during the second encore after the end of the entire concert. (Yes, they came out again after the whole show ended.) They missed a lot of lyrics for the special song as they were totally unprepared, with only a keyboardist around to accompany them. The other ‘special’ of the night was the confirmation of Hebe having her first concert tour in Taipei Arena (you can read more here).
As the night’s concert marks the last of its tours in Taiwan, and with no future concert tours in their plan, the three girls were exceptionally emotional with many touching moments. Selina began feeling sad since the night before (you can read about it here, where she cried on 9th August’s session), Ella and Hebe was unable to withhold their emotions this time. All three girls were trying their best to hold back their tears throughout the night. You can view that in photos below. When the concert finally ended with 美麗新世界 (Beautiful New World), all 3 of them cried. In fact, fans said they never knew the usually upbeat happy song could be so sad. They were also tearing during 老婆 (Wife) and 戀人未滿 (Not Yet Lovers), in addition to talking segments. Ella said during one of their talking segments, “Our (Selina’s and Ella’s) husbands are the real third parties, we (S.H.E) have already been betrothed and married to each other long ago,” causing fans to ask them to kiss which they gladly did.
*Credits to chinatimes, huaxia, Peg330, 王皮皮皮 from weibo
Post-Concert Photos
*Credits to xinhua
冰箱 (Fridge) Version 1
*Credits to apiwen from youtube
冰箱 (Fridge) Version 2 – includes talking
*Credits to Chris Pan from youtube
美麗新世界 (Beautiful New World) – Partial
*Credits to Pagan Tsai from youtube
Power Station with S.H.E (co-sang 戀人未滿)
*Credits to Chris Pan from youtube
Second Encore 月亮代表我的心 (The Moon Represents My Heart)
*Credits to Chris Pan from youtube