2014.06.01 Hebe at Hito Awards

Hebe rushed back from S.H.E’s 2gether 4ever concert in Wuhan to attend the HITO awards ceremony held last Sunday at Taipei Arena. Delayed by the heavy air traffic in Shanghai, she missed her rehearsal slot and had to perform without any on-site rehearsal at the venue. To add on to her plight, she was not in a good physical state, having been uncomfortable since the concert the day before where she had issues projecting her voice.

Apparently she was extremely nervous about not having any rehearsals, being the final performer to end off the awards night, Hebe took this performance very seriously. There was even a chat group created amongst her, the band and crew, code naming it as <MUST DO>, which she laughed at when she first saw, joking if this was a private mission of sorts.

Sweeping 3 awards, including Best Female Singer, Hebe was one of the biggest winners of the night. She performed a medley of 3 songs with her 6 piece live band, lasting over 7 minutes. According to the news, Hebe was the one who came up with the line-up and worked with the band on arranging the performance. She also invested her own money for the night’s two outfits, totalling NT300K.

You can view the performance and awards videos after the photos.



HITO Best Female Singer – Hebe Tien Fu-Chen

HITO Longest Charting Album  – 渺小 Insignificance / Hebe Tien Fu-Chen (alongside Autumn: Stories / Sodagreen)

HITO Top Ten Singles 2013 – 你就不要想起我 Don’t You Think Of Me / Hebe Tien Fu-Chen



*Credits to卜口一田十 , -ching-清- , 田馥甄妳是我的上上籤  from weibo
*Click for full-res photos

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1. HITO Best Female Singer 
*Credits to hito for video, Hebe田馥甄 for upload

2. HITO Longest Charting Album  – Insignificance
*Credits to hito for video, for upload

This award is won alongside Sodagreen’s album, both on par for staying on HITO’s chart for 20 weeks.

You can see Hebe has a great relationship with Sodagreen, specifically the lead voalist Wu Tsing-Fung. Wu was making fun of Hebe on-stage while she was trying to thank her record company HIM, fans and listeners for supporting her album and hopes the same for the future as she continues to work harder. Hebe  eventually turned to hit Wu, which all of them burst out laughing. Hebe ended by saying, “I’m trying to say some serious stuffs here but they keep disturbing me!”, complete with an irritated tone and eyes roll.

Backstage where Hebe was later interviewed, she explained that Sodagreen’s Wu has the tendency to give a friendly hug whenever they meet and then attempt to pull her bra strap. However, as she was wearing a bare-back costume for the night, Wu was disappointed when he did not find the presence of the strap, continuing to disturb her instead, hence the little fight on-stage when they were receiving the awards.


3. Performance (渺小 Insignificance / 你快樂未必我快樂 Your Happiness Doesn’t Equate to Mine / Come Together)
*Credits to hito for video, Hebe田馥甄 for upload

Her voice sounded okay in this performance, though the bass was overpowering. Probably cause they did not have a chance to level it since there were no rehearsals beforehand.


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