2014.02.28 Hebe adidas girls S/S new CF

The new Spring/Summer advertisement for adidas girls has been released!
There’s 2 versions, a 1 minute version and a shorter 30 secs version.

c1f2a70dgw1edzau94g32j20gf0gfwjq   c1f2a70dgw1ee036gv1s3j20gf0gf42v

1 minute version
*Credits to adidasgirl for video, Hebebar0330 for upload


30 seconds version
*Credits to adidasgirl for video, Shero Kingdom for upload


*Credits to adidasgirl for video, Hebebar0330 for upload

In the behind-the-scenes video, Hebe shares that since her adidas endorsement, she received a lot of feedback that more girls are picking up exercising and are experiencing the joy it brings, be it is mental satisfaction and energy boost or attaining a better body. Hebe hits the gym when she gets the time too and is a great in stress release and lifts her mood, especially when she does so with her sisters/friends. She finds it much happier to exercise with friends, as you can encourage and monitor each other’s progress. At the end of the video, she encourages everyone to get their friends/sisters to continue exercising together.

Side note, she has also attended a adidasgirls event earlier this week (28 Feb), where she joined everyone in a short workout led by a fitness coach.Pictures from adidas girls weibo below:

c1f2a70dgw1edz7xrdneuj20k90ip76f  c1f2a70dgw1edz7xw2d40j20ii0iddhoc1f2a70dgw1edz7xua2nzj20ib0j20va  c1f2a70djw1edz557yf8aj20a00dcmx8

c1f2a70djw1edz5hvnqsqj20hs0dcglx c1f2a70djw1edz5i3410vj20qo0f0t98

adidas grils weibo has also released a series of emoticons featuring Hebe for use on the weibo platform.

68619f67jw1edz65hwel8j208c09qmxl 68619f67jw1edz65ku3htj208c09q74s 68619f67jw1edz65me19jj208c09q3yv 68619f67jw1edz65pfukuj208c09qaap 68619f67jw1edz65suluvj208c09qaak 68619f67jw1edz65umucvj208c09qmxx 68619f67jw1edz658dx2aj208c09qgm7 68619f67jw1edz659km4zj208c09qdga


This is Hebe’s 2nd year endorsing adidas girls for China market. If you are wondering about her outreach and how successful the 2013 campaign featuring her was:

The campaign has brought 60% sell-through of the adidas Women’s range within 90 days.

In addition, 91% sell-through of “hero” article (the apparel that we featured in the TVC and print) achieved within 60 days. More significantly, the comparable store growth of Women’s range in March has increased by 28.4%.

On the digital front, the TVc and behind-the-scenes videos have garnered over 1.5 million views

*You can read the full article here.


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