2014.01.04 Hebe’s sharing @ Legacy mini Concert

This is a post on a story Hebe shared during her Taipei mini concert session. It was the longest talking in the entire session and was a story that really touched many people.

Below is short audio clip shared by a fan who attended the Taipei mini concert at Legacy mini.

*Credits to 知名不具PTT板友 for sharing the audio file

*Please credit back to this site if you will like to re post, in part or in full.

In this audio clip, Hebe shared about the story behind her choice of singing this special song, 如果還有時間 If Only There Was Time. She says that till now, this song always reminded her of that specific person and that very afternoon, as if they equate to each other and nothing has surpassed it nor replaced it.

The story was about S.H.E visiting a fan who was critically ill last year (2013). They got to know about this person through Ella’s celebrity friend, Xiao Xian. This person, an S.H.E fan, was Xiao Xian’s classmate’s friend. When asked what wishes she had while she was in the hospice, she said she hoped to see S.H.E. So when they knew about it, upon their return from their 2gether 4ever Shanghai concert, they rushed to the hospice in Danshui. It was a Sunday afternoon. Hebe recalls that before they entered the hospice, the Sun was warm and so comfortable, the environment was also very peaceful and quiet. So one will think that the place is so calming and tranquil, but the truth is when you walked in, every breath you hear is grasping for the next, every life there is struggling to survive.

Most people may think, or at least Hebe herself feels so, that every celebrity needs to assume a certain role or responsibility when they step on stage, when they get into their role. Just like when a celebrity holds a commercial product and films a commercial, they will have to do it well, so when they are on stage (or stand before the public), they need to be what is expected of a celebrity. So before S.H.E walked into the hospice, they had rarely encountered with such life and death situations, especially when they are faced with a total stranger. Yet, the three of them had to muster their courage and convince themselves, as if they should have a certain image and responsibility, to encourage and motivate this fan and the families and friends of this person. This was the mentality they had when they entered the ward.

Before the visit, they received photos of this fan and knew that she was about Hebe’s age and was a young mom. Her kid was still very young and small. So one day, this fan thought she had contracted gastric flu and was having quite a bad diarrhea. Her visit to the doctor also said that it was a gastric flu. But after several visits her condition did not improve. Only then did she switch for checks at a hospital to realise that she had a tumor between her internal organs that was very difficult to be discovered. Within half a year upon the discovery of the tumor, from the beautiful woman she was at age thirty had entirely disappeared. When the three of them entered the ward, they saw a frail and extremely thin person on the bed, looking as if she had only weighed 30kg. They tried to hold down their emotions at that moment, because they reminded themselves that they were here to encourage her.

They waited by her bedside for quite, as the fan was on morphine due to multiple pains and was constantly between a conscious and unconscious state. When she finally came around, she got to know that her favourite S.H.E were here to visit her, so she tried her very best to keep herself awake. S.H.E were at a loss of what to do and decided to show her photos from their Shanghai concert on their phones. They showed and shared with her the various costumes they wore for the concert, the 3D screen and special effects and other things from the concert. The fan looked at every photo with much patience but Hebe knew clearly that the fan was actually very tired. Every single response she gave, “It’s very beautiful”, “Selina looks very nice in this outfit”  and every other sentence or phrases of praise she had for the three of them was like a struggling whisper. ( Her favourite outfit, Hebe shared, was Selina’s dress which had a flower, during the 花又开好了 And The Flower Blooms Again. ) At that moment, Hebe thought to herself, “Aren’t I here to encourage her? Why is it that now she is the one who is praising us? Not only so, she knew we were afraid of not knowing what to say to her, so she is playing host to us, using the last few bits of energy from her withering life.”

Hebe tried to think of what to do next and decided to pray for her. So she held the fan’s hands, her family’s hands and S.E’s hands and formed a circle for the prayer. But Hebe was very nervous because she was never good with words and had no idea why she thought of leading a prayer for others at that moment. She only knew that she hoped to give the fan some encouragement. So Hebe prayed but she felt she did a terrible job, she was constantly stuttering and was much worse off than the current talking. When she ended the prayer, she looked at the fan and said, “I think I did a really bad job.” But the fan smiled and replied Hebe, holding her hands. It was that very smile, despite the extremely thin state the fan was in, which Hebe could not  forget till this date. The fan said, “Not at all, it’s alright. I know your sincerity. I know you have me in mind. That is good enough.” In that split second, Hebe felt as though she is here to be comforted by this fan and not the other way round. Hebe felt extremely vulnerable and minute at that instance. Instead, the fan, in face of her withering life, was much stronger than everyone present.

The feeling Hebe got from the family’s attitude towards life and death, and knowing that the fan had already seen to her own funeral arrangements, Hebe felt as if sadness was not the only thing that encompassed that afternoon. So when she heard this song, 如果還有時間If Only There Was Time, much later on, she felt that the song was extremely apt for that memory she had. The tune and tempo of the song is not all melancholy but the lyrics is extremely sad. After visiting the fan, Hebe self-reflected. Being almost the same age as that fan, Hebe realised that often people liked to complain on minor things in life, being concerned over a new or deepened wrinkle, but we have time to grow old. That fan did not have the time to do the same, she did not have time to grow old. The problems she worry about is not of having more wrinkles or the sort, she worried if she can accompany or watch her young child grow up and that she had to part so soon with the husband she loved so much. So Hebe felt really weak thinking about this and often so in many instances, but she constantly reminds herself what did this incident and this very person aspire her to do. So today, Hebe decided to share her pocket’s warmth, despite having shared this piece in bits and pieces as her thoughts run everywhere, but she just wanted to do so, to share with everyone this song and this story in the start of 2014. Because it is the start of a new year, we still have over 300 days to live on this year, Hebe hopes that everyone can encourage and cheer each other on, because everyone here at the concert is very fortunate and lucky.

Hebe also shared on the lyrics, picking out a specific few sentences.

The looks of youth is washed away with time

The important things are actually not important at all

What Hebe wanted to share was, sometimes we are caught in the moment of things, we may be stuck and feel as if we cannot overcome a certain thing or situation. Truth is, all these things may not be important at all in the end. Hebe feels that this is something really worth a thought and is very thankful to the deceased fan and misses her very much.
Hebe thanks that fan for having had supported S.H.E and thanks Ella as well, for having such a large network  of friends that allowed for such an opportunity for S.H.E to having encountered and been able to help these people.

And that is the end of Hebe’s sharing.


I have tried my very best to stay as close to Hebe’s description of the story as possible.
I guess what most of you will like to hear, is Hebe singing the song she shared. Although my main point in posting this piece is really, about the story above.
As the Taipei session will likely be released in a DVD and no recording was allowed in any of these mini concert rounds, clips of Hebe’s live performance are very rare.

This is a personal sharing, please, do not re-post or re-upload in another place.
Else, I will very much not share any of these in the future.
It is not a great quality, FYI.

如果還有時間 If Only There Was Time

Let me know if any needs the lyrics to be translated.

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