2013.12.18 Hebe’s FB Post
This is the speech at Princeton University’s graduation ceremony from Amazon bookstore’s founder, Jeff Bezos that I shared about during tonight’s mini concert at Taichung.
While preparing for my album, I was introspecting and sorting out the thoughts that I wanted to express, during which I penned out the recent conflicts and struggling emotions and feelings I had.I wrote:
“Lincoln says, “Life is a non-stop process of give and take. Wise people know what are choices. The two most important things in a person’s life is being able to choose wisely and daring to forgo.”
Obviously, I am a fool. I seek for balance, but end up as a fool who is incapable of taking on or letting go.
If in the years that follow, I am lucky enough to be able to distinguish the moments of choice, even if I need to pay a price, I hope I will dare to choose, real, kind, beauty, because in my heart, this is how love should be.”
Looking back at these words I wrote, I feel both embarrassed and apologetic. Watching this video later on, this was much more straightforward in comparison! Sharing this with all of you.
Original Post:
這是今晚在臺中微巡聽歌會分享亞馬遜網路書店創辦人Jeff Bezos 2010年在普林斯頓大學結業式的演講。
我寫道:林肯說:「人生是一個不斷取捨得過程。 聰明的人在於他知道什麼是選擇 。人的一生最重要的兩件事就是善於選擇和敢於放棄 。」
很顯然的,我是個笨蛋 。我在追求所謂的平衡, 卻追成了提不起也放不下的愚人。
如果在未來的人生, 我有幸分辨出什麼是選擇的時刻, 即使要付出一些代價, 我希望我會勇敢的選擇, 真 、善 、美, 因為這是我心中愛的模樣 。」」我回頭看自己這段文字,覺得不好意思又難為情,事後看到這個演說,相較之下直接實在多了!