2013.12.18 Hebe @ Forro Cafe Concert (Video, Photo)
Official video from Tai Chung’s mini concert at Forro Cafe has been released.
Hebe shares briefly on choices you make in life, from a video she had watched and shared on FB. The song posted this time is 愛著愛著就永遠 Love On And It’s Forever. You can view the video below.
In it, Hebe says, “You make choices in your life. We were at our own paths and at crossroads, you make different choices, through these constant choices, we finally met at one of the crossroads tonight. After tonight, we continue to make our own choices and be on our own paths again. But if we keep heading a similar direction, we may meet again someday. So the picture (of our paths) is roughly like this. This is a 3D PowerPoint.”
Official Photos (From FB)
*Click for full-res photo
The last photo you see above, is the 60 little handwritten notes by Hebe.
All 60 pieces contained the same note and she did write every single one of them.
The content of the note is as follows:
*Credits to Eddie Liao for sharing on FB
Thank you for the choices you made at every crossroad of your life, for that is why we are able to meet here today.
In the future, let us all head towards kindness, perhaps we may meet again somewhere!
There are fans who shared some points from the concert, I will share that on a separate post over the weekend.