2013.11.22 HitFM Event (Pic, Vid, News)
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Hebe attended HitFM’s event today as the “HITO QUEEN” for the month of December. During the event, she shared on her trip to Iceland for her third solo album’s photo shoot and music video shoot. She mentioned that when she saw the icebergs melted with a whole chunk of it breaking away and falling into the ocean, she again felt so strongly how minute and insignificant she is. She was deeply affected and calls for everyone to be more aware of the global warming issues, to love Mother Earth and actively do their part to protect the environment. In line with her calls for environmental awareness, she named her green-dyed hair as ‘Going Green’ (She previously called her hair ‘Northern Lights Green’ when she was in Iceland). Often self-reflecting and assessing on what she can do as an individual, she invited Bounce (director of Insignificance MV) to create an exhibition upon her return from Iceland. She hopes everyone can visit the exhibition and bring along their families or partners, to share the experience and become aware of the environmental issues, thereby taking action to protect it.
Apart from global environmental issues, Hebe is also following closely with the news and goings of ‘pluralistic’ forms of families in Taiwan. (Taiwan is currently undergoing debates and policy changes to possibly legalize same-sex marriages through marriage equality, thereby forming the term, ‘pluralistic’ form of families.) On her Facebook page yesterday, she posted a sentence from the lawyer, Joyce Jen, who was against same-sex marriages – ‘one will only be able to love the kids they give birth to and have blood ties with, will one ever love adopted kids? No, one will never love an adopted kid’, as a point in defense of the case to go against the bill (where LGBTs should be legalized and can opt for adoption). To this, Hebe commented on the same Facebook post that she found it absolutely absurd and ridiculous.
When asked again on her thoughts during the event, Hebe maintains her stand and adds that Jen’s thoughts are against ‘Love’ in itself, emphasizing that all discussions should be made in a rational and respecting manner. Hebe stresses on the need to discuss the issue on the basis of love, rationality and respect in a free speech world. Naturally, people will have vastly different views on many things, “when everyone defends their stand, they must also be able to tolerate and embrace the differing views of others”. Separately, when asked if she had read about the policy and her thoughts of it, she said yes and openly stated that she is in support of the policy.
With her third album due for release on 29th November and her second hit ‘Don’t You Think of Me’ premiering on 25th, the media were curious about the stories that were behind the album and song. Hebe states that she had put in much more efforts in this third album, “I used to complete an album in about a month or so, this album took me slightly more than half a year!” She jokingly adds that this gives her more time to go back to the songs, requesting to re-record or change parts of the song to perfect the album, sometimes to the point of attaining perfectionism akin to picking bones in an egg.
In regards to her second hit, lyricist of the song, Shih Jen Cheng mentioned that this is a continuation of the rock ballad, ‘I’m Fine Alone’ from Hebe’s first album. This song is a more truthful representation of how people really feel when they break up, behind the false front that they try to put up, pretending they are all strong and can move on after some time alone. How strong can one really be in face of the magnificent love and relationship issues, even if a person seems tough on the outside, are they really the same internally? With inspiration from Hebe’s contradicting character, Shih then sought to apply her personality traits, attitude, perspective in life and her causes to the songs in a way that audiences can relate to. When asked about Hebe’s way of managing breakups, she admitted that she belonged more to the current second hit, ‘Don’t You Think of Me’, where she often opts to shy away from others, closing up herself to be home alone.
The song, ‘Don’t You Think of Me’ will premiere on 25th November via major radio channels in Asia and on 26th November in Taiwan’s universities through their campus radio channels.
*Click for full res photos
News & Photos Source:
nownews – http://www.nownews.com/n/2013/11/23/1028774
chinatimes – http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20131122004289-260416
cnpanyu – http://www.cnpanyu.com/ylbg/20131123/content-583452-106-1.html
Play Music – http://www.playmusic.tw/column_info.php?id=2140&type=news
HitFM (for the part on her second hit) – http://www.hitoradio.com/newweb/944hitpoint
Videos from the HitFM Event
*Credits to Nagootv
Part 7 – Media Interview:
Most points discussed and answered in the video are outlined/mentioned in the news compilation above.
In addition, at the end of the video, she was asked 2 questions, that were not covered in news articles.
It was quite funny, so the translations are as per below.
Q1: Will you bring your parents on a trip to Iceland if your album sales is good?
Hebe: Even if my album doesn’t sell well I can still bring them there! They are my parents! It doesn’t have to depend on my sales!
Q2. Have you personally tasted Krispy Kreme donuts before? (Krispy Kreme was part of the sponsor for the event)
Hebe: I haven’t tried it before, but I think they (crew) mentioned that I can try it later, they will let me taste it.
Q2. (Cont’ed) So will you check in on Facebook later, after you have tried it?
Hebe: (Confused) After eating? Check in? Do I have to be in a shop before I can check in (on Facebook)?
Q2. (Cont’ed) Yes that’s right.
Hebe: Oh, then if I visit the shop next time, I might try to check in (on Facebook). I haven’t checked in before!
(Media and Hebe laughs)
Hebe: Why? You finally see a primitive man. Really a country bumpkin right?!
(Media and Hebe laughs again)
Part 1 – Appearance:
Part 2 – Sharing on Insignificance Records Exhibition:
Part 3 – Christmas:
She shares that she will be spending Christmas on promos and events and is so used to it over the past few years she will feel weird not doing it.
She said she will be so bored at home so she’d rather spend it with fans and the public.
Part 4 – Christmas wish & her new song, Don’t You Think of Me:
Part 5 – Creation of HitFM’s university union and Hebe 1:
Part 6 – Creation of HitFM’s university union and Hebe 2:
youre amazing.really, thank you soo muchh
Thanks for the compliments, just doing some translations hoping that more ppl can get to know more of her.
great to know you’ve enjoyed it. =]
thank you so much for news translations! please continue to do so~
Thanks! Will do so as much as I can.