2013.11.16 Hebe rides U-Bike

Currently caught up with the back-to-back promos for her third album ‘Insignificance’, Hebe enjoys her rare half-day off by renting a U-bike near her house and rides to the rehearsal of the charity concert to be held tonight at Dajia Riverside Park. Hebe keeps an exercise routine with cycling as her only outdoor exercise option. She has often cycled with her friends (and of course Selina, being sighted so many times), have a casual dinner out before cycling home again whilst enjoying the scenery. Once, she challenged herself by cycling from Shuiyuan Road near her home all the way to Bitan (FYI, that is about 10km one way).


She always sports a sunglass with a ponytail and goes without makeup when cycling, often being recognised along the way. In response to the public’s excitement and sometimes uncertainties, she confirms their suspicion of her being Hebe and says hi to them.


It was a rare opportunity for her to let her hair down whilst cycling and enjoy the cool breeze in the riverside park.



(*Source: WOW! news http://times.hinet.net/hamiplus/news/entertainment/14860801)


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