2013/11/13 – 3rd Album Press Conference
Hebe held her 3rd album, Insignificance, press conference at Taipei City yesterday afternoon.
The location of the press con is held at the location of the upcoming multimedia installation on her trip in Iceland.
She wore a checkered dress with a deep V on her back. Quite stunning, but albeit too skinny imo.
But nonetheless, stunning!
In the press con, the MV was premiered and Hebe kind of teared after the screening, with a noticeable swell of feelings.
You can view the specific part of the press con video below:
She laments on how the MV could have only come about due to the entire team’s efforts and how she alone will never have been able to made this come through.
Also, she shares on her own thought evolution as she passed through the different stages in life, on how she reflected on herself at the end of a work day.
Where she was younger, she focused on what others did wrong, how certain people, things or situations made her uncomfortable and hence her helplessness.
Then she realised how big the world and reality was, where she felt her lone power will never be able to impact or change the realities of which, that she decided to close up and hide within. It was also then she decided to keep silent and any comments or thoughts she had to herself since nothing she said will, in her pov, have the power to change anything.
And now, where she currently stands, she comes to terms on how sometimes things may not turn out the way you want despite having put forth your very best.She has become more thankful and despite how it seems that as an individual the influence or control she has is limited, every bit of effort counts and that’s the most important at the end of the day.
Interestingly, the Polish poem <Under one small star> that is featured at the end of the MV, which is also the source of inspiration/concept for this 3rd album came about when Hebe read it back in her Hsinchu home earlier this Chinese New Year.
She shared with her colleagues on the poem and her thoughts, before it eventually become the album’s direction, bloomed the first hit and MV.
Some photos to share from the press con:
(*Sources: Nownews, Pagan, eTV)